
Thorne Brandt

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Aura Reading

Kinect Installation

December 16th, 2016

This was an installation for Digital Art Demo Space as part of the pre-show for Nothing Up My Sleeve show that would project a unique distinctly textured 'aura' onto each individual person and allow Hannah Simon Kim to provide personalized interpretations of the shapes.

This trick was accomplished using Unity scripts, a Microsoft Kinect hidden above the projector, and a lot of calibrating.

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Sarah Squirm and the Magic Vegas Snowglobe

Live photoshopping, projection mapping

December 14th, 2016

I'm always looking for opportunities to work live photoshopping onto the stage. I feel that it has a lot of potential as a performance tool, especially with scripting. The main gag for this act was to capture an image of an audience member in real time and then embarrass in front of the crowd them with an album family photos of awkward stages.

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Face Tracking Glitches: CurtainFace

February 21st, 2016

I'm trying to create a faceswap feature.

The first step is to create a webGL mesh, and then texture that mesh with a snapshot of one face. I'm obviously failing a this. Seems as if the coordinates and scaling are off and it's pulling from the wrong position, but I'm really into this aesthetic and thought'd I share my new curtain face app.

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